вторник, 14 февраля 2012 г.

Mavrodi and his new baby MMM-2011


Reflections on the most scandalous topic of our time,
Mavrodi and his new baby MMM-2011.

The abundance of advertising and buzz around the project of financial scandal of Cash Mutual S.Mavrodi, is perhaps the most discussed topic in all circles today, from low-income families to politicians and front line bureaucrats. What is it? Someone wants to cheat us again? Or is it something so extraordinary, unusual and interesting that it is worth to explore it in detail? Try to understand how does this thing work? And why are the opinions about Mavrodi and his projects are so different? As always, I decided to use a scientific approach, that is, not to believe neither one side nor the other, but simply verify the facts.

So, let's start. The main argument of the media and opponents of the project MMM-2011 - "Infamous Sergei Mavrodi, started his new project "We can do a lot - Global Mutual Cash Fund", which is a fraud, a fraudulent scheme, and cannot be anything other than that. Mavrodi’s purpose - to steal the money of the people, cheat everyone and flee the country with the money...

Opinions with regards to these statements are very different, but I've come to the conclusion that to escape from the government, and more precisely, in the case of the enormous scale of Mavrodi’s new project, from many countries (now more than 40 countries) - it is simply impossible. Though, it is certainly a good laugh, hearing the hysterical screaming of officials of all kinds and grades, which appear almost every day on central TV channels - it can be. And that is exactly what he is doing for the past year. After a more detailed study of what he proposed, it becomes clear how he does it.

This is the conclusion to which I came, studying the mechanism of the specific relationships between people that S. Mavrodi offered. In fact, the MMM-2011 is a community of people. Who agreed among themselves that if we all together play the game according to same certain rules (and we know our whole life is a game), then our standard unit (call it - Moors), which we invented for ourselves - will continue to grow. Grow by 20% -30% per month in relation to any other currencies of the world. We as a community, agree that if each of us will conform to the rules, the standard unit will increase in price – THAT IS IT! This is how we decided for ourselves, dot! And no one can tell us otherwise, as the law does not forbid us to think the way we want, thoughts of people cannot be censored ... That's the very idea that united millions of people around the world. The idea, which broke all the stereotypes and patterns.

What are these rules? What are they like? Why is it so interesting and why is it needed for such a large number of people? One gets the impression that everyone was waiting for this. People discover it and look for a way to become a member of this community themselves in order to be a part of this global system. Let's try to analyze how such a convention and a non-existent virtual currency can benefit us as a community?

For example, let's look at what gives us the fact that the shares, assume GOOGLE, grow in price? After all, if you remember, they came on the market for $ 50, and three years later they were worth $ 650. What does it tell us? We call it a Financial Instrument, and gave it a name - Stock. We agreed to consider it valuable, to buy and sell it to each other, to consider it as payment. On the Internet it is easy to find news about that the Russian analogue of Google - Yandex, has placed its shares on the market in 2011. There you can also find the growth dynamics of its shares and the shares of Google on NASDAQ.
Okay, let's go further. What tricky rules and conditions should be in place, according to the author and inventor of the virtual Moor, for their exchange rate to always, or at least many years, to grow in relation to other world currencies? What do these rules resemble?

Rule 1. I open a bank account and deposit money, say $ 1,000 or $ 10,000, or $ 100, it is not important. Then I inform the community MMM-2011, which in turn informs me about the news and gives me the opportunity to communicate with similar people, who also decided to play the same game as I, and by the same rules as I do, for our virtual MAVRO to continue grow in value. Well, we like this, we like inventing a a currency that increases in value every day. We decided to to express such a protest of sorts, united ourselves into one single community and using the inner currency invented by us, we help each other with money according to certain rules.

Rule 2. I as a member of the virtual community "We can do a lot", promise: if somebody asks me to ttransfer money from my bank account, let’s say to John, in the form of material aid, but actually because John decided to sell his MAVRO back to the community. John bought them earlier, let's say 100 MAVRO bought when the MAVRO for $1.5 . That is, he paid for the 100 MAVRO - $150, and in fact, too, just put them on his own account with the proviso that if need be, he will transfer them based on community’s direction. (Regardless of whether anybody asking him for those, or whether they just sit in his account, as it turns out such can happen as well in the MMM-2011) And now, a couple of months, and the MAVRO of our community accrued interest, and is now worth $3 a piece. John can now sell his MAVRO, reports this to the community and the community, in turn, has asked me to buy a 100 John’s MAVRO for $300, because this is the price of the MAVRO right now.

Rule 3. If I refuse to buy John’s MAVRO, that is, to send him material assistance, to transfer money to his account, call it however you want, then the community MMM-2011 excludes me, tells me - leave, your money is on your account as it was, you are excluded from the system and your MAVRO that you bought by promising to follow the rules of the community are also removed from the system. That’s it - good luck, and good bye! Now what? Did I lose anything? - No, everything is left in my account. I made some profit, No as well. Interesting, is it not? There are no more rules, and the extortion scam of honest citizens in order to profit S. Mavrodi, as the media broadcasts, is not being observed as well.

Alright, let’s move forward. Say I did make the transfer to John, now what? Now is the most interesting part, from this moment on I hope that in the future, when I will be allowed to sell my MAVRO, someone from our community, someone like me, conforming to the rules will transfer money to me for my MAVRO, based on the exchange rate of the day when I decide to sell them. There is no guarantee that someone will transfer money to me, in fact I provided financial aid John in the hope that later I will receive similar material aid as well. These are all the rules. The Community is built on the hope that the people are good and they can independently, without any control by the government, agree with each other and help each other. De jure and de facto are completely legal relationships between people in any country.

I'm sure there are people among the readers that understand the stock market, even those who do not, take a look at the news: oligarch Pinchuk led his company to the stock market and increased its assets 7 to 1. What does this mean? Omitting the complex terms and explanations, this means that there was a company that issued stock on the market and the market evaluated it as such. Based on what terms? Expectations of investors and the information that the enterprise itself had provided, what it plans to do and why it decided to raise money. The expectations are that the company will continue to grow and expand, but so far it's just the same convention. What is money? It’s not just a paper, right? Paper is a convention. On the paper we drew something; we called it a bill, and agreed that this bill will be a symbolic value of money. Then we will be exchanging these bills, and we will also exchange items that came up or set up the price for. That we need for convenience, so we would avoid exchanging items like the Indians in ancient times. In fact it is the same arrangement in a community, such as a country. For example, we have in Ukraine - the Grivnya. Before that there were Coupons, and before that USSR Rubles, but it's always been a paper to which we attach value. More precisely, in this case it is not us, but the Banks. And in the case of the MMM, as it turned out, Mavrodi opened the curtain, which mere mortals cannot touch, he uses the tools of the Stock Market and the Federal Reserve System, or rather the bankers. He just said that people, if we unite and agree, that based on the rules we need as a community always buy our MAVRO when someone sells them, and those who sell you should always, for example,  not to sell more than 25% of their total or the maximum that is allowed to sell. These rules are very similar to the condition of growth of the company on the stock market. The price of shares rises if: 1) Investors have positive expectations. 2) There are always buyers. 3) Investors buy stocks and hold it without selling for a period of some time, and when they do sell they sell only a part and not all of it. 4) When someone wants to sell stocks, the company or other stock owners, always and without delay buy the shares at the current rate. The experts can comment on these rules, and they can say whether it is so or not.

Putting it all together, it is not just a “finger” for the state from ordinary people, it is also a powerful slap on the face of bankers at all levels. We humans can simply agree to exchange such money. How does it become possible? There is a hold on the sale of the MAVRO for a fixed term. It is done so that while ones are not allowed to sell their money could still be transferred to those who are already allowed to sell. And so the circle, plus new members are constantly coming. Internet has erased all boundaries, now in the MMM-2011 there are more than 15 million members. It happens the same way in banks. Banks take deposits and establish a bans on withdrawals ahead of schedule, why? So that they could give our money to someone else and profit from it. What happens when we come to withdraw money from the bank? Is it trying to figure out where our money is so that it could give it to us? Of course not. It takes a new deposit and gives us the money of the person man who just deposited it. In other words, new investors are paying old investors. It is absolutely a normal system. Not even slightly flawed from the perspective of the Banks. That's why when all investors are coming to collect deposits – the Bank goes bankrupt. There is a funnel in the banks as well, that is, there are more of those who deposit then those who withdraw. It is very easy to see, ask yourself the question - Who can deposit money in the bank? The answer is simple - everybody, absolutely everyone. Now the second question - Who can withdraw money from the bank? And here begin one thousand conditions and criteria that would reduce the ratio to about 100 to 1 between those who can deposit and those who can withdraw. Not everyone can withdraw money from the Bank and we all know it well. Money is needed by the banks to earn more money for their owners. Stocks, securities on real estate, currency markets, there are a lot of ways the bank makes profits by investing other people’s money.

The most interesting thing is that there is no bank in the world that could attract as many investors as it was easily done by Sergei Mavrodi in 1 year. Someone bought a lot of MAVRO, some little, but the average system wide contribution is U.S. $ 1,000. This means 15 million x 1000 = $15 billion in total capital from all participants. What do you think, can you already simply trade money now? How long does it take to spend such an amount? That’s more than half of the budget of a not as small-sized country such as Ukraine. What if by summer the number of participants doubles? What if in 2013 year we will see in a community about 60-100 million people around the world, what will the media be saying then?  Everything goes towards this, because the conditions are met and everybody is getting paid, sounds like some sort of GDP ... Where in the government it continues to decrease, but in Mavrodi’s community it continues to increase....

So what does Mavrodi MMM-2011 system of inter-relationships resemble? I would say this is very similar to the matrix, where everybody pays everybody. Or it's like a big international bank, but the cunning and strength of its stability is that the money of depositors is not in the bank, but rather in pockets or accounts of the investors themselves. The bank receives only information about whom and how much money owns in their pocket or account so that it could effectively manage the cash flow. And, again, all translations are done by the contributors among themselves and their personal accounts solely on voluntary basis without any obligations and warranties. That, again, is not prohibited by any law in any country. This is 100% legal.

Now about the imaginary threat that they speak of on TV. This is what I think, it is all just the exact opposite, the system MMM-2011 and the mechanism of mutual exchange internally does not suck money away from investors that so that S.Mavrodi could run away with it, as ever broadcasts the media, instead it will make all people to pull the money from under the mattress and make them to deposit it in the bank, so that they could put it in their own account and participate. Is this bad? Furthermore, on Mavrodi’s website you can meet people from other countries, which mean that people of the former USSR countries bought MAVRO at lower rate, while other countries are now going to buy at already a higher rate and by the rules will be transferring as an aid to real dollars to the accounts of people from the former USSR. Is this bad? I think that our government and the banks in particular need to thank and protect him.

And you know what is most interesting and amusing the most? One person sitting in an empty apartment invented something that excites the minds of people from several governments. It follows a simple logical conclusion his Mind is much higher and stronger than their entire put together. Or, what he is doing is the very secret that they are scared to admit to be the truth, and with all their strength once again trying to intimidate and confuse us, because after studying the model of the system MMM-2011, they realized that money does not accumulate in any central location and to steal it, as it was done by the authorities with AO MMM in the 94th year – is impossible. Of course I could be wrong; I'm only a human....

With great respect to you
Eugene +380 (97) 249 41 91
Invite igtvin

P.S. Here's one thing I wonder about, why is the government that constantly preaches about the need to build a civil society, so terribly frightened when they saw that people have started to build it themselves? Tired of waiting for alms from the government, to hear it talk and lie about the bright future when the quality of life decreases in every family across country.

P.P.S. Here I would like to quote the most Sergei Mavrodi:

"Many are not happy with the current state of affairs. But the situation is really simple: if you are insulted, humiliated, your honor is affected - protest. Do not like it - protest, if you are a man. If you do not protest while being treated like this, then is there anything to complain about? "

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